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Having suffered with advanced Macular Degeneration in both eyes for several years... Click here to read all testimonials
  "EYE DOCTOR with 50 years experience Treating Macular Degeneration, releases his Liquid Eye Product Eyes-N-MORE® to the Public and Medical Society"

"With Proven Effective Ingredients for Treating DRY Type Macular Degeneration"
"SEE" What People Are Saying About

"Swallowing Pills was difficult for me and this product has been a godsend. Now all I do is take my capful in the morning and feel great all day! I used to spend about $130 each month on supplements and no longer take anything but eyesnmore."

I recommend this product!

KC, Michigan

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John Colombo, M.D. is a member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, and a practicing Ophthalmologist. He has specialized in the study of Age-Related Macular Degeneration and its association with whole body health for over 50 years which has led to his development of the very unique formula known as Eyes-N-More®.
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